FARZ (she/her)
definitely not who you think i am

"I have come to love myself, for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.”

- Joon

Saturday, December 29, 2012 3:50 AM
L for life
Working has been interesting. It makes me miss school and all the teachers and just everybody. I feel so awkward cause everybody speaks malay and i'm like ...........ok. Its been almost a month since i started working. Its okay i guess. There's babies and little kids and free food and nice people.
Working made me realise that i don't actually want to grow up. But i learn at work too. I learnt that tomatoe is more viscous than chilli sauce. I realised that sometimes in life bitches ask the most irrelevant questions about food and ridiculous requests. I SWEAR THAT SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE ROLLING MY EYES AND GIVING THEM THE "ARE YOU SERIOUS BITCH" LOOK.
but i dont because i'm a professional.......service staff.
its 3:25 am and i have no idea why i am not asleep.
working has also made me put off all my other to do after o's activities.....uh like losing weight. #suchajoke seriously
and when i tell people my pay they give me looks of disbelief like "why farzana why would you work for minimum wage" well, i work for the experience and i think it priceless
I still have my phuket post but HAHA cant find my camera usb cable thingy so cant upload all the pictures i took.
yay 2012 is coming to an end but i dont want 2013 to come
i'm truly terrified for the release of the olevel results
what if i can't get into mj (but i love tp too)
sigh decisions.
its been 2 years..........and i miss you still
i just missed all the times we talked.
i havent been talking to anyone and i need to grad cards so i guess i'll pour out all the shit feelings there then. And i have no idea of nothing.
Happy 2013 :-)
dont stress be happy.
new year resolutions: be nicer to people and smile at everybody/be happier/stop bitching/study harder/fulfil my duty toward god better.

(i'll be back when i find my usb cable)
