FARZ (she/her)
definitely not who you think i am

"I have come to love myself, for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.”

- Joon

Monday, January 28, 2013 1:04 AM
D for do it once do it well
I am officially unemployed.
Oh god I actually miss working (but it's too early to tell since I just ended work 3 hours ago)
I think I was a okay employee even if I broke 4 cups and screwed things up a bit. But I honestly did my best at work (except for that one time)
I'm really really really really proud of myself for working despite my to do list after os.
I didn't really expect myself to get a job cause the interview was horrible omg "my name is farzana and I'm um 16 years old (awkward silence for a minute)" I was asked to talk about myself and I obviously do not know myself
(ok obviously I got the job because my dad pulled strings)
i liked working cause got babies duh (especially during holidays/weekends)

But sometimes I feel like killing people when they eat so sloppily and im like "oh god do you not have table manners" and "does your mouth has a hole". But I don't actually cause that would be illegal.

Ok tired tired tired bye yay.

to albert: thank you for being the first person to teach me everything i know now and for being so warm and a father figure for me. thank you for all your unexpected "welcome to sr" greeting which shocks both the customer and me. working with you was a pleasure and thank you for not blaming me even though i made mistakes and for making me smile with your lameness. hope your wife gave birth to a happy healthy baby girl.

to jay: thank you for allowing me to work even though my interview was horribly shit............and sorry for all the quiet awkward moments and evading your questions and for not telling you what i want to be when i grow up.........cause i honestly dont know. and i'm sorry for mentally choking you sometimes.

to sofee: thank you for cracking really really lame jokes and livening up the atmosphere with your singing and stupid jokes. i really like how you sell cakes to the customers cause its damn funny but it works.

to hema: thank you for being the second person to teach me everything i know even if it was the minor things. i really appreciate all of you and how you keep telling me to have longer breaks and to speak more but im sorry im awkward. thank you for the food when you came back from india yay

to kas: thank you for being so strict with me but i know that you only like things to be perfect, i really appreciate all the attempts at striking up a conversation with me and letting me be less awkward. thank you for thinking that my handwriting is pretty (because it is honestly not)

to bahri: thank you for being the brother i never had and for offering your help at unexpected times. i'm just jealous that you dont need mascara cause your eyelashes are long enough HAHA.

to robert: thank you for being such a funny guy and i really miss your "thank you farzana" chey because i like being thanked.

to alinah: thank you for being so smiley and happy and i hope you get to be an air stewardess one day :-) i really really really like how you interact with the little children when i'm just like "VTDFTSINHD BABIES"

to dian: the first time i heard about you was when the rest were betting about how late you were gonna be and i actually found that scene to be really hilarious. i really admire your straightforwardness and how bitchy you were to dylon. i wish you all the best in your last year at poly and to enjoy your internship at marina mandarin

to sengchye: actually the first time i saw you and albert said you were attachment from cpf or something i immediately thought you were doing work attachment oh god dumb farz i swear. hope you dont hurt your hand again cause that time definitely hurt. thank you for being so quiet YAY.

to alyssha: the first time i saw you i was like "pretty minah" but then as i got to know you i realised you were funny and amazing. i hope you last long with nizam and have fun at school.

to dylon: you're a bitch at first sight eh. i'm sorry for judging you at first and being so mean but i didn't like you or your loud mind or attitude. but i guess you got nicer to me after you realised that i was angry with you (actually i was angry with myself for hating you because hating is bad) and i cant believe i just wasted tears on your obnoxiousness. but thank you for being such an ass because w/o you there wouldn't be much times where i wanted to roll my eyes in exasperation. thank you for helping me on my first time at cpf when i was lost.

to siti: i really like how you're so nice. thank you for not laughing at my really really awfully fail until want to facepalm malay. thank you for saying hi to me each time you come for work it just feels ncie to be noticed.

to fadhly: hello braceface i really want to laugh each time you say "yes how can i help you" in a weird voice thank you for all the funny moments when you were the barista. thank you for  making me feel so comfortable around you and helping me when i really needed it.

to yan: thank you for making me realise that i actually crack under pressure but i really like how you are really funny and teaching me what garnish goes for what dish. i hope your eye has recovered by now!!

to ravi: thank you for calling me "girl" HAHAHA at least i know i'm not  a boy.

to hafizal: thank you for putting your trust in me to help you do stuff because it really means a lot.

to lucy: thank you even tho i sometimes i dont understand you i really really really liked conversing in chinese with you.

to siti: even though i worked with you like 3 times i really appreciate the time you helped me in wrapping cakes for the cake discount day. without you i might have took forever and thank you for not scolding me even if i had cut the cake wrongly.

love working with you all cause there was never a dull moment only drama      
and yay suffering from cheesecake withdrawal symptoms. 
