FARZ (she/her)
definitely not who you think i am

"I have come to love myself, for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.”

- Joon

Tuesday, July 16, 2013 9:30β€―PM
Change is the only constant
I miss passing around note in class having conversations about the randomnest of things from boys to school and life and shit.

I miss writing letters to people to pour all my shit out of them.

I miss writing happy post it to cheer people up.

I miss getting posts its - the feeling of seeing a post it on your table when you return to class after break is just so 😍😍 

I miss people. I miss how we turn out to be friends with people we didn't expect to. 

God tkgs was the best time of my life even though I complained non stop the whole thing I was there. But in all honesty, I have no regrets. I would live those 4 years over again in a heartbeat. All the friendships made and lost. 

I was going through my old letters and I saw a couple of things people said to me. These are the reasons why I really really adore them. 

1. "I know it can be really frustrating when bad thoughts cloud your head, but go so something happy instead. Do something that you like, live for yourself become people who judge you will go away in the end." -M 

Love you M and how you always greet me with a tight hug that made me feel so asdfhjkl each time love you for spreading love.

2. "Be happy, happiness is always there. You just have to reach out for it." -S

Hi S I'm so proud of all your achievement and how you're Vice President now. Thank you for being there for me when I was shit. 

3. "DSLR is cool. Cool=fat. Fat=inconvenient. Inconvenient=cool." -C

Hi C I haven't seen you in like forever I really do miss you a whole lot. I really do. Heard you're going overseas and I hope you do great in London and everything. Thanks for being the best table partner/friend/C ever sorry for being so moody all the time and all the shit I put you through πŸ’œπŸ’™πŸ’› 

4. "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands!  You 不要 emo okay. 要笑一笑."
"I cannot make you happier, you must make yourself feel better okay." -P

Hi P I'm sorry for being a bitch and not layaning you but I really appreciate a lot to stand me when I was immature and all. I really do appreciate all the letters you wrote me when I felt crap in band.  Love you a whole shit load cause you were there for me when nobody was.
So I guess I could do a second impression of my classmates so far HAHA I mean its been half a year I bet I know them better than they know me that's for sure. (And in no order at all)

F: you're so retarded sometimes ah sigh but you made me laugh more than anyone else (even though you hit me) and also thanks for helping me with work even though I constantly ditched you for band and how our names are almost similar that d and teachers mix up our names wot. But you're a smart girl ok and stop staring at yourself in the full length mirror. I feel the most comfortable around you seeing how we have the same subject combination/cca yay it's been fun. In sorry you have to put up with my shit HAHA.

WJ: thank god I have you a my pw group member I honestly wouldn't know what to do without you. And you're such a cool funny chill girl okay I admire you so much and you're like fit and fab (at cello) and you take so much pride in your work it makes me feel so ashamed of my shit ass work but yes having you around makes everything better.

JY: girl you and your faces are epic. You are so glam even though you meant to be unglam?? Seriously your milkshake brings all the boys to the yard. You're such a bundle of joy even though you cuss like a sailor and everything. 

K: hehe you and j and w are like the unstoppable trio with such unconventionality which makes everything great. And you're so funny I can't even (even if you don't mean to be funny) and its funny how I knew you existed through pinda and his malay notes and your handwriting is so pretty??   

R: sometimes I think you're a nice girl and can be really funny but then sometimes you say some hurtful things (not to me tho and it makes me wonder a whole lot why) and sometimes I wonder why you like c (when he's an ass and all????) but love is blind anyways.

YJ: you've been talking a whole lot more ever since your disappearance issue and I hope you're okay and this is not a facade or anything but yes yay you're talking whoo this is a positive sign.

A: I hope you watch your back (no pun intended) but you're such a smart girl I feel like a dumbass besides you omg crys but you're the same girl I knew in sec1 and sec2 anyway but maybe a teeny bit nicer I guess.

MG/SG: yay finally know how to tell the difference between you both but but can't remember who I was talking too at the end of the day love the sisterly bond you guys share but it was frightening that time during pe watching you guys quarrel that was freaky guys but you guys are so precious and I have no idea who calls me "fuzzy" in such a nice way but awwwww love you guys

WT: was hoping you would join band but you've proven yourself to be an exceptionally brilliant OAC member who's gotten so fit I'm really proud of you. You have so much resilient in a girl and how you never give up on anything no matter how tough it was. I'm so amazed by your spirit a whole lot.

S: you and your sass but sometimes you scare me when you're like pissed but I have no idea if you're joking or. And I love how you love your glee and you have such a beautiful voice.

J: you're really unique I mean i never thought we would be even friends but I guess your pragmatic view on life is a fresh breath of air for me. And even though we dont really talk that much its nice having you around when i internally freak out. But i know you have more layers we have yet to discover.

MM: um yes its been nice being in your pw group (a lot of drama) and you're pretty drama too i just dont know what to say to you and it gets all so awkward and everything but ya you're smart even though you dont make sense sometimes (or maybe i don't understand you)
I: god you're so pretty and smart and you're so brilliant hope you get to be top arts student.

SJ: you're so friendly and nice and you don't want to trouble others wow

YR: I feel less scared of you cause you're actually pretty funny and you're so fit/talented/pretty WHY MY EGO????

dear boys i don't really like you please don't think you're all that how bout you just don't call my name at all YAY

/edited 18 July
wow tj thank for making me feel like shit after making my percentile drop by 10% you're welcome.

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