FARZ (she/her)
definitely not who you think i am

"I have come to love myself, for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.”

- Joon

Thursday, December 8, 2011 10:16 PM
fat fat fat fat fat fat fat fat
thats what i am

and i ain't doing anything about it
oh god going to die fat and alone
fuck it i ain't fat i am
obese fatass
one day i'm going to die
of diabetes maybe
coronary heart disease
nobody knows
once a fatty always
a fatty

skin and bones
thats what i want to be
fucking skinny
but why do i think that by being skinny
it means being beautiful
everybody's a fattist
so skinny does mean you're beautiful
i don't want to be the fattest one.
i don't  have a pretty face
or a brain
or a personality
just fats and more fats.

i've never had a guy
and yet every other teenage girl has
they're all so pretty and this makes me
feel like i'm being left on the shelf
they don't say it but
i know it
they all think i'm fat
and they hate me
i have no friends
none who like me

i close my mouth and
refuse to talk
cause i am boring
and have no tales to tell
refuse to bore you to death
and i don't like how i sound
at all
it feels boring
even if i speak
nobody listens
would rather listen and think
than speak now.
rather feel what you're feeling
cause you're funny
I'm not
we're like opposite poles
attracting each other
maybe opposites do attract
but nobody is attracted to me
cause i'm not outstanding
or anything
like a manget that loses
its power by being dropped too many times
not strong enough
just weak and fragile
easily broken
not worth it
