FARZ (she/her)
definitely not who you think i am

"I have come to love myself, for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.”

- Joon

Friday, December 23, 2011 2:43 AM
I destroy everything I love because love destroyed me
Hi hi hi hi hi this shall be a long and pointless post.
So firstly i went to jakarta and i was so sure i was either going to die either due to the traffic or by being a passive smoker or during the airplane ride. Heng ah i'm still alive and in one piece. And jakarta was okay. And yes i thought about a lot of things when I was there. And there were eyecandys ok but they all smoke and smoking is like cool but no. smoking is bad okay even if you (and I) think its cool.
1. Movies there don't have ratings. So i can watch a NC16/M18/R21 show if i liked.
2. Movies there don't censor bad words l o l. (I cringe at the word 'fuck' now when people say it.)
3. Don't eat the froyo there lol. #sux2bmecauseididnttrysoursally
4. People there cannot read cause they still smoke even tho its not allowed.
5. Kids there are qt pie.
6. I bought nothing and so i am #sadgirl96 (unless you count 5 pairs of socks, a pair of shoes, a bag and 2 cardigans something)
7. And i'm so tired i cant type no more.
