FARZ (she/her)
definitely not who you think i am

"I have come to love myself, for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.”

- Joon

Thursday, March 29, 2012 10:44 PM
Hi march is almost over. And yayyyyyy another long post yay
I should really really be doing my homework but howww.

 le sigh not even doing anything i must be expecting a miracle.

1- failed 2.4 today sigh i can't remember when i stopped running but i told sidra that we must finish before 20 minutes and we did. We came in at 19:59 i feel so bad and then must run again whyyyyyy whyyy whyy why why why ugh and then we had amaths quiz and i couldn't do it save me.

2- hate people who are like "omg i never study/am going to fail." but in the end they actually studied ughhhh and passed and did so well. KILL THEM ALL K.

3- went to MJC today and i saw danial lightfoot omg life is complete. He's cute eh hehe. OK STOP FARZ NO. But mjc has like thousands of tkgs and omg lah tkgs girls a bit...... And their pe is shit. Running and physical training nooooo save me. And ugh so awkward with seniors don't like how. Ew pe ew but their school quite cool but.

4- don't know what i want to be don't know how how. Dentist/Psychologist/Architect/Interior Designer/Dreamer le sigh one thing for sure i dont really want to join band in jc or poly cause stresss lah fun but my tuba skill sucks so no. I want to go join a club or something. DSA for band hah no shit. I ain't talented just mediocre.

5- honestly no idea which jc to go to. But sigh really want to study hard and play hard. Definitely not going temasek lah. Never never never. Man shall create lists of what to do after o's/ who i want to be/ goals and aims yes will. Motivation. You will come. Soon.

6- my eyes howwwwwww i don't want to wear glasses and contacts ew putting stuff in your eye omg pain lah. ): Stupid eyesight. Should go study sigh le sigh. Sleep with light on or something today.

7- homework do yout homework. k nights.

8- i miss laughing about things and feeling so happy, i miss brig sigh and her funnyness i miss laughing with all my friends. the one till you get facial cramps and six packs. damn.

9- watch out for steps on upper deck of buses yup fuzzy so smooth.
