FARZ (she/her)
definitely not who you think i am

"I have come to love myself, for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.”

- Joon

Tuesday, March 27, 2012 9:58 PM
Hi i am not a starbucks virgin anymore. Hell yeah totally worth it even tho coffee is bad for me.
But hi i am here to talk about me and my life. Malay is forever entertaining ok with marini laoshi. 9 of us happy togethergether. Should go study for bio cause i have a test tomorrow. But ugh twitter no twitter. OK NO TWITTER F YOU SHOULD BE STUDYING BITCH STUDY NO DISTRACTIONS. this is totally not helping me so. But ok life now life.

1- School.I am not studying not doing homework how fuck how how and i am stressing and panicking. And bloody hell my eyesight is getting worse )-: i dont want glasses cause i look weird already lah please. And i dont like my teachers and i spend like each lesson doing other stuff. And i can't stand how we rotate teachers for chinese cause i hardly ever learn. And my chinese is horrible so.

3- Horrible shitty friendship. i am so awkward can't talk to people i used to talk to all the time. What is up with me sigh. And people can't hear me cause i am awfully soft so. Damn. But people are nice but i'm  not special enough for them. I wish i was. I want to have h2h talks but i can't. I always end up bullshitting haiyo. What is up with me. I should just marry my blog. But seriously lah

4-Sexual orientation. What am i man. Everything is my eye candy haiyo cannot take already lah. save me. I should stop acting gay cause apparently i act very gay and now my juniors (coughcoughgeraldinetancough) think i not straight and les like that. And i think dorcas thinks i'm les too. wow great life. what shit. Don't know don't want to know. Cause i am young. have my whole life in front of me. SIGH LIFE Y U SO COMPLEX WEI SHE ME.

5- Natalie Ngar. Honestly i wasnt excited about sitting1 in between Natalie and chloe. I mean they are both skinny and sporty and i am so awkward. But she is funny. Therefore don't judge books by their covers. Sigh stop being  a bitch farza and judge people this is bad bad i say.

6- Band. Haiyo trying my best to increase my volume but everyones being an asshole like my tonguing. Dislike how cao and tan keep poking fun for my puffing of cheeks. Hate how i cant tongue. Hate how my juniors are so slack. Hate that serene cheong is forever tired. Tired of sec 1s. Dislike malathi for talking so much. Dislike rachel for being so blur. Dislike yeo for laughing during sectionals in inappropriate moments. SIGH.

7- MYE. They are arriving. And i haven't studied yay not studying. Pull up your socks please.

8- Lost friendship. Hi. i am so awkward but thats who i am

9- Teens alive. I feel awful.  subhanallah.

10- Future. What do i want to be when i grow up which jc do i want to go to. Figure it out farz and do it fast. Please please please please.

11- THG ok lah not really a fan can get all the hate but really whats the big deal. Ok maybe if i read the book i would go like w o w. but no i don't want to be a fan girl even if it means being a pariah its okay lah. You all can be watching that movie and i'll be like okay i will watch this when i'm 22 or something. They like THG for the movie not the book. Superficial much k. k k k bye.

12- Bloody itchy now ugh mdm goh annoys me and everything.

13- I am pretty angsty and moody right now. And so frequent fights with mom/sis/grandparents.  Bad kid i know. But i want to escape to the zoo.

14- maybe maybe maybe if i started studying now i can go zoo on the 2nd of april!!!!!! ok yay shall just pray and wait or something sigh. Maybe not. I never do anything i plan.

15- My cameras are collecting dusts.
