FARZ (she/her)
definitely not who you think i am

"I have come to love myself, for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.”

- Joon

Sunday, March 3, 2013 12:27 AM
every chance we get we run
(this is me hopping really badly that tj ends early on monday so that i can go tk/ice cream date)
but yay 4 weeks of school and its been highly awkward in my cg (for me)
i think the rest of the tk girls are coping well and here i am..........struggling to be okay. But i can tell you that geog is my absolute favourite lesson hands down (legs down everything down.)
i'm trying really hard to fit in tj, but school/band doesn't feel right.

and mass pe is horrible cause i can't run and running is horrible because i am horrible at running. I really try to channel mr p's "think you are a butterfly" but ya cannot cause i'm awful. i've never felt so alone before i've never felt that the world is so selfish i've never felt this stress before.

Its march already yay.

just realised that life is a free market - everybody pursues their own self interest.
the world is becoming a more cruel place to be in.
becoming more closed off from the world and quiet because..................i don't really want to say anything at all.
ugh miss all the familair face in tk, the constant annoying shouts and scream by lower secondary students, judging lower sec students with friends, going to the toilet just to look at how pretty you are, the hugs, taking up space everywhere.
i miss the smell of vivaldi how we all used to detest carrying tables in and out after band practice. i miss being scared of the fourth floor when i was lower sec. i miss the quanit "conducive" environment.
i miss it all.

guess i should just move on but its so hard to gel with my cg. i try :-( i really do. but sometimes i feel like i'm nonexistant at all.
need hugs from chinny/mavis/anyone please
