FARZ (she/her)
definitely not who you think i am

"I have come to love myself, for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.”

- Joon

Monday, April 15, 2013 10:26 PM
Fuck you.
(this post is gonna be rather angsty)
Fuck you for making me feel so inadequate.
Fuck you for making me feel like a dumbfuck.
Fuck you for not replying my text.
Fuck you for being such a hypocrite.
Fuck you for being so bitchy.
Fuck you I was so nice to you.

All the shitty feelings are back to haunt me. Well damn this.
every day i go to tj and feel awful i wake up in the morning feeling like a bitch who's going to be late for school. everyday i just walk ahead in front of you guys so that i can hold my head up high. everyday i feel lonely. I drag my body everywhere.
On a scale of 1 to 10 of how fucked up I am, I am probably a 45.

I learnt long ago that its not good to be so clingy.
I learnt long ago that I am an awful person.
I'm so fake.
Acting that nothing actually fucking bothers me and that i'm just so fucking happy.........when my soul is tired and sad.
Fucking negativity.

I'm holding onto the edge of the cliff and I'm getting tired.
I don't know what's real anymore, maybe I should just let go and slip off the slope.
I' just fucking tired.
Its so hard going to a school where you don't feel like you belong at all.
Its just so fucking hard.
I try each day to be positive about tj and how i'm going to enjoy 2013/2014 here
but its not working.
Maybe i'm not trying hard enough.

Maybe I should have listened to elizabeth when she told me to "follow my heart"
do i even have a fucking heart.

Fucking tired of being treated like shit.
Fucking tired of being treated like i'm nonexistant
Fuck you.

Feel like i'm a burden to everyone everywhere.

(hate you all and how you make me leak and how i should fucking just not think how i should fucking be insensitive life's just fucking not fair and i just fucking hate you all and i hate hating fuck you)
