FARZ (she/her)
definitely not who you think i am

"I have come to love myself, for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.”

- Joon

Thursday, May 10, 2012 11:28 PM
Who are you?
So career awareness day was today. And honestly i would love to say i learnt a lot. But here are my takeaways from the day ok mostly from the speakers.

1. You don't stop learning, you learn your whole life even when you're working. Learning is a continuous process.
2. Take initiative to do something.
3. Be yourself. Embrace who you are.
4. Its ok to make a mistake, treat it like a miss take then take two.
5. Know what you want to do and who you want to be in life.
6. People like people who have good intrapersonal skills.
7. Be articulate.
8. Don't be afraid.
9. If you fall down, just get back up.
10. If you have the passion, you will be happy.
11. Find a job that allows you to stretch and develop as a person.
12. Don't have a comfort zone, or step out of it.
13. Explore the world.

I feel really drawn to being a psychologist, but its just that i'm bad at communication so. But its honestly so intriguing why people behave in certain ways. Why they do a certain thing a certain way and the things about them that you can just pick up from them in one glance.
And then i really want to go poly because i really dont feel like going to school every day in a uniform. I dont want to go to school early in the morning only to come back late at night. The problem is i don't know who i want to be and what i want to do with my life. But i know why my mom and everybody else wants me to go to a jc. They want me to be more disciplined, they want me to be more well behave, they want me to get good grades, they want me to go to uni. They don't want me to be led astray, they don't want me to gallivant after school.
Why. Why do i live my life the way others want me to do. I hope it makes me happier. I really hope it does. I thought about it a lot. I'm studying but am i learning anything? Maybe. Maybe.
don't know what to be don't know what to do.

But happy mothers day and happy birthday celeste ♥ ♥
ok love you mummy and you too ho.

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