FARZ (she/her)
definitely not who you think i am

"I have come to love myself, for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.”

- Joon

Sunday, July 8, 2012 10:18 PM
Ti for titanium.
7 months almost over.
7 months of doing nothing.
3 months left to O's. I should be taking this seriously.
I don't want to grow old and bitter.
just wanna be forever young.
young at heart maybe.
F asked me this, "You like animals and you like bio too. Why don't you take veterinary science?"
Listening to Billy Joel and I feel so much feelings.
I am awfully awkward yup socially awkward penguin.
I miss everybody but its like I don't know what I miss.
them or just the familiarity?
i don't like change that's why i always give my change away.
like peanut butter ice cream from udders because peanut butter is amazing.
Sigh fasting month is coming hahahaha. I am a joke.
i keep saying i am a proud muslim but i don't even do what I'm supposed to do sometimes.
is it me or does time seem to fly when you're older?
somebody called me a good girl today.
it felt nice being called good.
and i have so much to rant about but its like sigh why do i really care. and there's really no point complaining so. forget it. Miss writing letters so much. But its been hard for me to put myself out there, what more pouring my heart out. I'm just not comfortable telling anybody anything. should just get married to my books soon.
i felt awful when i hear about S bro who is like 13 having a girlfriend. I dont't get it. Why do 13 year olds need to be involved in a bgr. I don't want to be in a relationship just because everyone i know is in one.
I need less teenage angst. I need to love myself more, a whole lot more.
blonde hair blue eyed boys are so lovely, just that much.
i should go and count the days to o levels and prelims.
do it to prove to people that malays arent that stupid.
do it to prove to people that you can.
do it to make your family proud.
do it to make yourself happy.
just do it.
because in todays society if you dont have education you aint gonna go anywhere, you aint gonna be somebody. I should be thankful for the education that i have. I should be thankful for everything. Is hould stop complaining, i really should. i secretly wish i was a closet mugger but then again no. i want to be a nerd because nerds are da bomb. i dont remember the last time i enjoyed a lesson and understood the teacher and the subject. Adele chee makes lessons so fun i can hardly hate chinese. 
everybody knows what they want to be in life. or at least where they are headed.
On saturday, A asked if i was gonna try DPA and i said no. I dont want to try for anything because im afraid of being rejected im afriand of  not being good enough. May allah bless her so that she can get into business.
I know what D/H/P/R all want to apply for. And i applaud them for being so brave and having so much guts.  yay shall do chemistry assignment 7 oh chemistry may we just bond together forever and ever.

i shall digress: 
can i just live at changi city point because food smells so good there. i think i have exhausted my tears in the first 4 days of july so hopefully hopefully i wont cry anymore this month. happy meals and horlicks mcflurry are what makes macs the best thing ever. oh oh and apple pie. 

做人很难 so what should we all be?
