FARZ (she/her)
definitely not who you think i am

"I have come to love myself, for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.”

- Joon

Tuesday, August 13, 2013 6:46 PM
dancing through the fire

"Cause it's too cold/For you here and now/So let me hold/Both your hands in the holes of my sweater" 
now playing: Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood 

hello this is procrastination at its best
keep doubting myself everyday after school asking myself if i can really cope with jc
the thing is..........i don't have the answer and it scares me
i don't know if i can do this any longer
pw has been draining the shit out of me and its like awful
i swear
econs test tomorrow and i have no shit what is price discrimination???? and how the hell am i suppose to cram so much shit in a night
i have to do my script for my geog presentation don't like presentations does anybody not know how horrible i am at talking 
i swear 
i should stop sleeping
i have 50 days to promos 
i countdown and i panic internally but i do no shit
but yay selamat hari ray maaf zahir dan batin
let me taubat for doing loads of shit the entire year
geography globalisation test on drq and its like NO GLOBALISATION WHY 

sometimes i feel like i can be a poet
then sometimes i go meh ain't nobody got time for that

(im so weird)
(stop talking using brackets you shitface)
(i can insult myself on my blog//you can't insult me in real life)

did i tell you guys how my laptop died on hari raya i swear its a really sad story
"once upon a time in a far away land, a princess wanted to do project work on hari raya cause her parent weren't going out. when she switched on her laptop, the lcd screen cracked it probably saw her face. the end."
RT if you cryed (i did)

someday, i am going to look back on this blog and cringe at how i wrote// i put glassman teaching to shame for writing like this  i'm sorry (not sorry)

i cannot do this anymore
